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64 Results

  • Spring Youth Floor Hockey/Hockey sobre piso (Grades: 4-6)

    Invite your friends and come play some floor hockey on Wednesdays evenings with former Somerset Physical Education Teacher Mr. Nilsen. Class is capped at 14 kids, 7 kids on each team. Register soon! **The last night is parents vs kids! Hockey sobre piso Invite a sus amigos y venga a jugar hockey sobre piso los miércoles por la noche con el ex maestro de educación física de Somerset, el Sr. Nilsen. La clase tiene un límite de 14 niños, 7 niños en cada equipo. ¡Regístrese pronto! ** ¡La última noche es padres contra niños!
  • Pilot Knob: Wizards of Chess/¡Los magos del ajedrez, Club de Ajedrez! (Grades: K-4)

    Wizards of Chess, Chess Club! Join us in learning this National Award Winning Program! Learning the game of chess promotes imagination, creativity, develops memory, teaches independence, inspires self-motivation, and develops a logical way of thinking. Students of all levels are welcome. Yes, even if your student does not know how to play, we will teach them! Each session is filled with different material, and all learning is done with encouragement and fun on an individual personal level! All in-class equipment is provided. Instructor: Veronica Harrison--owner of Wizard of Chess ¡Los magos del ajedrez, Club de Ajedrez! (Grados: K-4) ¡Únase a nosotros para aprender este programa ganador de premios nacionales! Aprender el juego de ajedrez promueve la imaginación, la creatividad, desarrolla la memoria, enseña la independencia, inspira la automotivación y desarrolla una forma lógica de pensar. Los estudiantes de todos los niveles son bienvenidos. Sí, incluso si su hijo(a) no sabe jugar, ¡se lo enseñaremos! ¡Cada sesión está llena de material diferente y todo el aprendizaje se realiza con estímulo y diversión a un nivel personal e individual! Se proporciona todo el equipo de la clase. Instructora: Verónica Harrison - propietaria de los magos del ajedrez- "Wizard of Chess"
  • Mendota: Toy Story Musical Theater Class (Grades: K-4)

    Calling all dancers and singers! Come learn songs and dances from Toy Story and put on a musical! Everyone will learn how to put together a professional show from start to finish. Learn how to properly speak your lines, block a scene, develop your character and much more! All that is needed are comfortable clothing and shoes. Friends and family are invited to a special performance beginning the final 30 minutes of the final class. *Please note this class is 90 mins.
  • Spring Jr Warrior Dance Classes (Grades: K-6)

    Join us for Spring Jr Warrior Dance Classes! These classes will focus on dance technique in ballet, jazz and high kick! This class is a fundraiser for the dance team. Registration Fee includes a Showcase T-shirt. The Showcase is Thursday May 1st. Level 1: Kindergarten Level 2: Grades 1 & 2 Level 3: Grades 3 & 4 Level 4: Grades 5 & 6 Classes are taught by Warrior Dance Team Head Coach Molly Engle
  • Garlough Wizards of Chess/¡Los magos del ajedrez, Club de Ajedrez! (Grades: K-4)

    Wizards of Chess, Chess Club! Join us in learning this National Award Winning Program! Learning the game of chess promotes imagination, creativity, develops memory, teaches independence, inspires self-motivation, and develops a logical way of thinking. Students of all levels are welcome. Yes, even if your student does not know how to play, we will teach them! Each session is filled with different material, and all learning is done with encouragement and fun on an individual personal level! All in-class equipment is provided. Instructor: Veronica Harrison--owner of Wizard of Chess ¡Los magos del ajedrez, Club de Ajedrez! (Grados: K-4) ¡Únase a nosotros para aprender este programa ganador de premios nacionales! Aprender el juego de ajedrez promueve la imaginación, la creatividad, desarrolla la memoria, enseña la independencia, inspira la automotivación y desarrolla una forma lógica de pensar. Los estudiantes de todos los niveles son bienvenidos. Sí, incluso si su hijo(a) no sabe jugar, ¡se lo enseñaremos! ¡Cada sesión está llena de material diferente y todo el aprendizaje se realiza con estímulo y diversión a un nivel personal e individual! Se proporciona todo el equipo de la clase. Instructora: Verónica Harrison - propietaria de los magos del ajedrez- "Wizard of Chess"
  • Heritage: ASL 2: American Sign Language Class (Grades: 5-8)

    ASL 2: Continue building on your knowledge of American Sign Language with lessons that include spring and summer vocabulary, the use and importance of fingerspelling, and additional groups of themed vocabulary. Taught by: Suzanne Downs--Parent of a daughter who is deaf and a retired Deaf/Hard of Hearing school teacher. She has taught ASL at the high school, middle school, and community education level. Her belief is that the more people who know sign language, the better!
  • Pilot Knob: Oula Dance/Qoob ka ciyaarka Oula/Danza Oula with Ms. Garibay (Grades: 2-4)

    Oula celebrates the healing power of dance as part of an inclusive, come-as-you-are community where everyone is welcome. The result is a transformative approach to intentional wellness that’s fun. Oula merges cardio of varying intensity levels with easy-to-follow choreography, mindfulness practices, and a culture of inclusivity — all to an energetic pop soundtrack. Every Oula class empowers participants to challenge their bodies and process their emotions through music, movement, and, most importantly, a community connection. Please wear clothes that are easy to move in, closed toed shoes, and bring a water bottle. Taught by Ms. Garibay, Pilot Knob 1st grade teacher **Please note no class on Oct 17 due to MEA and no class on Nov 14 due to training Ms. Garibay is attending. Qoob ka ciyaarka Oula (Fasalada: 2-4) Oula waxa uu u dabaaldegaa awoodda bogsashada ee qoob ka ciyaarka iyada oo qayb ka ah bulsho loo wada dhan yahay, sida-aad tahay-kaalay halkaas oo qof walba lagu soo dhawaynayo. Natiijadu waa hab wax-ka-beddel ah oo loogu talagalay fayoobaanta ula kac ah ee madadaalo leh. Oula waxa uu ku daraa wadnaha heerar kala duwanaansho xoog leh oo leh si sahlan loo raaci karo sawir-qaadista, dhaqamada miyir-qabka, iyo dhaqanka isku-darka-dhammaantood si tamar badan leh. Fasal kasta oo Oula ah waxa uu awood u siinaa ka qaybgalayaasha inay ka doodaan jidhkooda oo ay shucuurtooda ku socodsiiyaan muusigga, dhaqdhaqaaqa, iyo, tan ugu muhiimsan, xidhiidhka bulshada. Fadlan xidho dhar ay fududahay in la galo, kabo suulasha xidhan, oo soo qaado dhalada biyaha. Waxaa baray Ms. Garibay, macalinka fasalka 1aad ee Pilot Knob. Danza Oula (Grados: 2-4) Oula celebra el poder curativo de la danza como parte de una comunidad inclusiva donde todos son bienvenidos. El resultado es un enfoque transformador para el bienestar intencional que es divertido. Oula combina cardio de diferentes niveles de intensidad con coreografías fáciles de seguir, prácticas de atención plena y una cultura de inclusión, todo en una enérgica banda sonora pop. Cada clase de Oula permite a los participantes desafiar sus cuerpos y procesar sus emociones a través de la música, el movimiento y, lo que es más importante, una conexión con la comunidad. Use ropa que sea fácil de mover, zapatos cerrados y traiga una botella de agua. Impartido por la Sra. Garibay, maestra de 1er grado de Pilot Knob
  • Jessica Enig (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Friendly Hills: Beginning Cake Decorating (Grades: 5-8)

    Introduction to Cake Decorating. Decorate an 8" celebration cake to take home and gain skills in shell borders, writing, and stars and rosettes. $12 food supply fee is included, along with the use of all tools needed. (Students will not be baking the cake--cake will come baked--students will decorate) Instructor: Diana Hirte
  • Somerset: Wizards of Chess/¡Los magos del ajedrez, Club de Ajedrez! (Grades: K-4)

    Wizards of Chess, Chess Club! Join us in learning this National Award Winning Program! Learning the game of chess promotes imagination, creativity, develops memory, teaches independence, inspires self-motivation, and develops a logical way of thinking. Students of all levels are welcome. Yes, even if your student does not know how to play, we will teach them! Each session is filled with different material, and all learning is done with encouragement and fun on an individual personal level! All in-class equipment is provided. Instructor: Veronica Harrison--owner of Wizard of Chess ¡Los magos del ajedrez, Club de Ajedrez! (Grados: K-4) ¡Únase a nosotros para aprender este programa ganador de premios nacionales! Aprender el juego de ajedrez promueve la imaginación, la creatividad, desarrolla la memoria, enseña la independencia, inspira la automotivación y desarrolla una forma lógica de pensar. Los estudiantes de todos los niveles son bienvenidos. Sí, incluso si su hijo(a) no sabe jugar, ¡se lo enseñaremos! ¡Cada sesión está llena de material diferente y todo el aprendizaje se realiza con estímulo y diversión a un nivel personal e individual! Se proporciona todo el equipo de la clase. Instructora: Verónica Harrison - propietaria de los magos del ajedrez- "Wizard of Chess"
  • Friendly Hills: Wizards of Chess/¡Los magos del ajedrez, Club de Ajedrez! (Grades: 5-8)

    Wizards of Chess, Chess Club! Join us in learning this National Award Winning Program! Learning the game of chess promotes imagination, creativity, develops memory, teaches independence, inspires self-motivation, and develops a logical way of thinking. Students of all levels are welcome. Yes, even if your student does not know how to play, we will teach them! Each session is filled with different material, and all learning is done with encouragement and fun on an individual personal level! All in-class equipment is provided. Instructor: Veronica Harrison--owner of Wizard of Chess ¡Los magos del ajedrez, Club de Ajedrez! (Grados: 5-8) ¡Únase a nosotros para aprender este programa ganador de premios nacionales! Aprender el juego de ajedrez promueve la imaginación, la creatividad, desarrolla la memoria, enseña la independencia, inspira la automotivación y desarrolla una forma lógica de pensar. Los estudiantes de todos los niveles son bienvenidos. Sí, incluso si su hijo(a) no sabe jugar, ¡se lo enseñaremos! ¡Cada sesión está llena de material diferente y todo el aprendizaje se realiza con estímulo y diversión a un nivel personal e individual! Se proporciona todo el equipo de la clase. Instructora: Verónica Harrison - propietaria de los magos del ajedrez- "Wizard of Chess" Wizards of Chess, Naadiga Chess! Nagu soo biir si aad u barato barnaamijkan Abaalmarinta Qaranka! Barashada ciyaarta shataranjiga waxa ay kor u qaadaa mala-awaalka, hal-abuurka, waxa ay horumarisaa xusuusta, waxa ay barataa madaxbannaanida, waxa ay dhiirigelisaa is-dhiirigelinta, waxaanay horumarisaa hab fikir oo macquul ah. Ardayda heerarka kala duwan waa la soo dhawaynayaa. Haa, xataa haddii aanu ardaygaagu aqoon sida loo ciyaaro, waanu bari doonaa! Kalfadhi kastaa waxa ka buuxa walxo kala duwan, waxbarashada oo dhanna waxa lagu sameeyaa dhiirigelin iyo madadaalo heer shakhsi ah! Dhammaan qalabka fasalka dhexdiisa waa la bixiyaa. Macallinka: Veronica Harrison - milkiilaha Wizard of Chess
  • Moreland Wizards of Chess/¡Los magos del ajedrez, Club de Ajedrez! (Grades: K-4)

    Wizards of Chess, Chess Club! Join us in learning this National Award Winning Program! Learning the game of chess promotes imagination, creativity, develops memory, teaches independence, inspires self-motivation, and develops a logical way of thinking. Students of all levels are welcome. Yes, even if your student does not know how to play, we will teach them! Each session is filled with different material, and all learning is done with encouragement and fun on an individual personal level! All in-class equipment is provided. Instructor: Veronica Harrison--owner of Wizard of Chess ¡Los magos del ajedrez, Club de Ajedrez! (Grados: K-4) ¡Únase a nosotros para aprender este programa ganador de premios nacionales! Aprender el juego de ajedrez promueve la imaginación, la creatividad, desarrolla la memoria, enseña la independencia, inspira la automotivación y desarrolla una forma lógica de pensar. Los estudiantes de todos los niveles son bienvenidos. Sí, incluso si su hijo(a) no sabe jugar, ¡se lo enseñaremos! ¡Cada sesión está llena de material diferente y todo el aprendizaje se realiza con estímulo y diversión a un nivel personal e individual! Se proporciona todo el equipo de la clase. Instructora: Verónica Harrison - propietaria de los magos del ajedrez- "Wizard of Chess"
  • ISD 197 Safeway Driver's Education In-Person at TRHS Winter/Spring Classes (Jan-May)

    New!! School District 197 Youth Enrichment is now partnering with Safeway Driving School to offer our Driver's Education classes. Safeway has been graduating safe teen drivers in the Twin Cities for over 50 years. Safeway’s only focus is creating safe, responsible teen drivers. Classroom and behind-the-wheel lessons emphasize defensive driving techniques tailored for the inexperienced teen driver while targeting to influence the invincible teen attitude. All of Safeway’s instructors are licensed by the Minnesota Dept. of Public Safety. Parent involvement is required to produce safe, responsible teen drivers. It is critical that parents practice regularly with their student drivers. The state requires that students have a minimum of 50 hours of practice (15 hours at night). The practice time must be recorded on a state-approved Supervised Driving Log and presented at the road test. Parent Classes are offered monthly in person or by distance learning (via Zoom). This class is not required but qualifies the parent to receive a certificate that allows their student reduced practice time (from 50 to 40 hours). Parents can sign up for a Parent Class on Safeway’s website. At a minimum, Safeway strongly encourages parents to review its parent information and watch the online Parent Class Videos at Cost of the teen package is $420 and includes the classroom, behind-the-wheel lessons and all materials. There are no hidden charges or additional fuel surcharges. Pay in full upon registration $420 or choose the payment plan: $250 at registration and $170 due the Friday before class starts. Students must be at least 14.5 years old to join the class. For parents, click HERE for more information. Classroom instructors and driving lessons are provided by Safeway Driving School. 651-351-9150
  • Somerset: Somerset Soccer Club (Grades: 1-4)

    Come learn soccer skills while getting fit with Mr. Reay! From basic drills to fun games, you will leave a better soccer player than you started, all with a smile on your face!
  • Heritage Wizards of Chess/¡Los magos del ajedrez, Club de Ajedrez! (Grades: 5-8)

    Wizards of Chess, Chess Club! Join us in learning this National Award Winning Program! Learning the game of chess promotes imagination, creativity, develops memory, teaches independence, inspires self-motivation, and develops a logical way of thinking. Students of all levels are welcome. Yes, even if your student does not know how to play, we will teach them! Each session is filled with different material, and all learning is done with encouragement and fun on an individual personal level! All in-class equipment is provided. Instructor: Veronica Harrison--owner of Wizard of Chess ¡Los magos del ajedrez, Club de Ajedrez! (Grados: 5-8) ¡Únase a nosotros para aprender este programa ganador de premios nacionales! Aprender el juego de ajedrez promueve la imaginación, la creatividad, desarrolla la memoria, enseña la independencia, inspira la automotivación y desarrolla una forma lógica de pensar. Los estudiantes de todos los niveles son bienvenidos. Sí, incluso si su hijo(a) no sabe jugar, ¡se lo enseñaremos! ¡Cada sesión está llena de material diferente y todo el aprendizaje se realiza con estímulo y diversión a un nivel personal e individual! Se proporciona todo el equipo de la clase. Instructora: Verónica Harrison - propietaria de los magos del ajedrez- "Wizard of Chess"
  • Evening Wizards of Chess/¡Los magos del ajedrez, Club de Ajedrez! (Grades: 1-8)

    Wizards of Chess, Chess Club! Join us in learning this National Award Winning Program! Learning the game of chess promotes imagination, creativity, develops memory, teaches independence, inspires self-motivation, and develops a logical way of thinking. Students of all levels are welcome. Yes, even if your student does not know how to play, we will teach them! Each session is filled with different material, and all learning is done with encouragement and fun on an individual personal level! All in-class equipment is provided. Instructor: Veronica Harrison--owner of Wizard of Chess ¡Los magos del ajedrez, Club de Ajedrez! ¡Únase a nosotros para aprender este programa ganador de premios nacionales! Aprender el juego de ajedrez promueve la imaginación, la creatividad, desarrolla la memoria, enseña la independencia, inspira la automotivación y desarrolla una forma lógica de pensar. Los estudiantes de todos los niveles son bienvenidos. Sí, incluso si su hijo(a) no sabe jugar, ¡se lo enseñaremos! ¡Cada sesión está llena de material diferente y todo el aprendizaje se realiza con estímulo y diversión a un nivel personal e individual! Se proporciona todo el equipo de la clase. Instructora: Verónica Harrison - propietaria de los magos del ajedrez- "Wizard of Chess"
  • Garlough: T. Swift Era with Kidcreate (Grades: K-4)

    Experience the magic of Taylor Swift and her iconic Era tour at our legendary art camp! Immerse yourself in creativity inspired by her music and style. From drawing to painting to sculpting, embark on an unforgettable artistic journey. Unleash your inner artist in this special tribute to Taylor Swift's enduring legacy. This is a 4 week class.
  • Friendly Hills: Girls Flag Football League (Grades: 5-8)

    Join School District 197 Youth Enrichment as we partner with the MN Vikings to offer a Middle School Girls Flag Football League! The primary objective of this program is to have fun!! The program has been designed to give girls an opportunity to learn the basics of football and develop an appreciation for the game of football. It is a great way to learn the skills of teamwork, sportsmanship, hand-eye coordination and communication. Flag Football is a NON-CONTACT sport. Flags are worn on a belt around the waist and pulled off for the “tackle”. Flags/belts, jerseys and shorts are provided. Mouthguards are required. Tennis shoes are required, cleats recommended. No experience is necessary and everyone will play. Coached by Ms. Amanda Mahlstedt Friendly Hills 6th grade teacher. Kids can take the activity bus home at 5:15pm or have a parent pick-up at the school at 5pm. Check activity bus routes HERE We hope to have enough players at both schools middle schools to scrimmage against each other and watch for information on possible games against other middle schools as Minnesota works to grow the Girl's Flag program.
  • Heritage: Girls Flag Football League (Grades: 5-8)

    Join School District 197 Youth Enrichment as we partner with the MN Vikings to offer a Middle School Girls Flag Football League! The primary objective of this program is to have fun!! The program has been designed to give girls an opportunity to learn the basics of football and develop an appreciation for the game of football. It is a great way to learn the skills of teamwork, sportsmanship, hand-eye coordination and communication. Flag Football is a NON-CONTACT sport. Flags are worn on a belt around the waist and pulled off for the “tackle”. Flags/belts, jerseys and shorts are provided. Mouthguards are required. Tennis shoes are required, cleats recommended. No experience is necessary and everyone will play. Coached by Ms. Cassidy Lettow, Grade 7, Heritage Teacher Kids can take the activity bus home at 5:15pm or have a parent pick-up at the school at 5pm. Check activity bus routes HERE We hope to have enough players at both schools middle schools to scrimmage against each other and watch for information on possible games against other middle schools as Minnesota works to grow the Girl's Flag program.
  • Pilot Knob: T. Swift Era with Kidcreate (Grades: K-4)

    Experience the magic of Taylor Swift and her iconic Era tour at our legendary art camp! Immerse yourself in creativity inspired by her music and style. From drawing to painting to sculpting, embark on an unforgettable artistic journey. Unleash your inner artist in this special tribute to Taylor Swift's enduring legacy. This is a 4 week class.
  • Garlough: Soccer with DASH Sports (Grades: 1-4)

    Soccer: DASH Sports soccer camps provide players a well-rounded soccer experience covering a broad range of soccer skills training (dribbling, passing, shooting, & defense) and skill-based games. Players will be challenged and grouped at an appropriate level while receiving instruction in a fun, positive environment while learning values of ‘Respect, Hustle, and Pride’. Camp ends with a scrimmage on the final day. Athletes should bring a water bottle (spikes and shin guards are optional). Balls are provided.
  • Jessica Enig (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Heritage: Beginning Cake Decorating (Grades: 5-8)

    Introduction to Cake Decorating. Decorate an 8" celebration cake to take home and gain skills in shell borders, writing, and stars and rosettes. $12 food supply fee is included, along with the use of all tools needed. (Students will not be baking the cake--cake will come baked--students will decorate) Instructor: Diana Hirte
  • steven delaval (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Kung Fu (Ages 5 - adult) Beginner

    Learn kicking, punching, self-defense skills and build muscle, power, flexibility and agility. Improve your awareness, self-esteem and confidence. Join a FUN, progressive, full-participation class and learn skill building exercises that will strengthen the mind and body. Questions about class contents: call 952-898-3008 Parents: Instead of waiting outside, sign up and participate with your child in class! This is a great class to do together! Instructor: National Treasure Kung Fu, Inc., Al Lam – Director Aprenda patadas, puñetazos, habilidades de defensa personal y desarrolle músculos, potencia, flexibilidad y agilidad. Mejora tu conciencia, autoestima y confianza. Únase a una clase DIVERTIDA, progresiva y de participación completa y aprenda ejercicios de desarrollo de habilidades que fortalecerán la mente y el cuerpo. Preguntas sobre el contenido de las clases: llamar al 952-898-3008 Padres: ¡En lugar de esperar afuera, regístrese y participe con su hijo en clase! Instructor: National Treasure Kung Fu, Inc., Al Lam – Director
  • steven delaval (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Kung Fu (Ages 5 - adult) White-Purple Belt

    Learn kicking, punching, self-defense skills and build muscle, power, flexibility and agility. Improve your awareness, self-esteem and confidence. Join a FUN, progressive, full-participation class and learn skill building exercises that will strengthen the mind and body. Parents: Instead of waiting outside, sign up and participate with your child in class! Optional uniform and certification from White to Black Belt are available. Instructor: National Treasure Kung Fu, Inc., Al Lam – Director Instructor Bio: National Treasure Kung Fu, Inc., is directed by Si-Fu Al Lam - International Master, Temple-trained in China. Si-Fu Al Lam, a Hong Kong champion, has over 35 years of teaching experience with youths & adults. He was the instructor of the University of Minnesota Chinese Kung Fu Club for 13 years and was awarded “Instructor of the Year” by the U of M Recreational Sports Department. Aprende el arte marcial de Jackie Chan, Jet Li y Kung Fu Panda con el Campeón de Hong Kong Al Lam (Maestro-Templo Internacional formado en China, Kung Fu sobrino de “Mr. Han” de la película “Enter The Dragon” de Bruce Lee). Sifu Al Lam y su familia tienen más de 40 años de experiencia docente con jóvenes y adultos. Fue instructor del Club de Kung Fu Chino de la Universidad de Minnesota durante 13 años y fue galardonado como “Instructor del año” por el Departamento de Deportes Recreativos de la U of M. El uniforme opcional y la certificación de cinturón blanco a negro están disponibles. Aprenda patadas, puñetazos, habilidades de defensa personal y desarrolle músculos, potencia, flexibilidad y agilidad. Mejora tu conciencia, autoestima y confianza. Únase a una clase DIVERTIDA, progresiva y de participación completa y aprenda ejercicios de desarrollo de habilidades que fortalecerán la mente y el cuerpo. Preguntas sobre el contenido de las clases: llamar al 952-898-3008 Padres: ¡En lugar de esperar afuera, regístrese y participe con su hijo en clase! Instructor: National Treasure Kung Fu, Inc., Al Lam – Director
  • steven delaval (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Kung Fu (Ages 5 - adult) Red-Black Belt

    Learn kicking, punching, self-defense skills and build muscle, power, flexibility and agility. Improve your awareness, self-esteem and confidence. Join a FUN, progressive, full-participation class and learn skill building exercises that will strengthen the mind and body. Parents: Instead of waiting outside, sign up and participate with your child in class! This is a great parent/child class! Optional uniform and certification from White to Black Belt are available. Instructor: National Treasure Kung Fu, Inc., Al Lam – Director Instructor Bio: National Treasure Kung Fu, Inc., is directed by Si-Fu Al Lam - International Master, Temple-trained in China. Si-Fu Al Lam, a Hong Kong champion, has over 35 years of teaching experience with youths & adults. He was the instructor of the University of Minnesota Chinese Kung Fu Club for 13 years and was awarded “Instructor of the Year” by the U of M Recreational Sports Department. Aprende el arte marcial de Jackie Chan, Jet Li y Kung Fu Panda con el Campeón de Hong Kong Al Lam (Maestro-Templo Internacional formado en China, Kung Fu sobrino de “Mr. Han” de la película “Enter The Dragon” de Bruce Lee). Sifu Al Lam y su familia tienen más de 40 años de experiencia docente con jóvenes y adultos. Fue instructor del Club de Kung Fu Chino de la Universidad de Minnesota durante 13 años y fue galardonado como “Instructor del año” por el Departamento de Deportes Recreativos de la U of M. El uniforme opcional y la certificación de cinturón blanco a negro están disponibles. Aprenda patadas, puñetazos, habilidades de defensa personal y desarrolle músculos, potencia, flexibilidad y agilidad. Mejora tu conciencia, autoestima y confianza. Únase a una clase DIVERTIDA, progresiva y de participación completa y aprenda ejercicios de desarrollo de habilidades que fortalecerán la mente y el cuerpo. Preguntas sobre el contenido de las clases: llamar al 952-898-3008 Padres: ¡En lugar de esperar afuera, regístrese y participe con su hijo en clase! Instructor: National Treasure Kung Fu, Inc., Al Lam – Director