ISD 197 Community Preschool Program for Children aged 3-5 on or before September 1 of the current school year.
South St. Paul offers excellent preschool programs for children ages 2 1/2 to kindergarten enrollment.
Inver Grove Heights Preschool is rated 4 Stars by MN Parent Aware - the highest rating possible. Little Spartans Preschool Open House Thursday, January 9, 2025 4:30 - 6:00 pm
~ ISD 197 provides ECFE classes in W. St. Paul and Eagan ~
Welcome to ISD 199 Early Learning.
South St. Paul Public Schools provides ECFE classes in South St. Paul.
Spartan Kids' Care offers a quality program that provides a safe, cooperative, student-led environment. If you're considering enrolling your student for multiple options, clicking "ENROLL NOW" will still present you with all the options for registration
Learn kicking, punching, self-defense skills and build muscle, power, flexibility and agility. Improve your awareness, self-esteem and confidence. Join a FUN, progressive, full-participation class and learn skill building exercises that will strengthen the mind and body. Parents: Instead of waiting outside, sign up and participate with your child in class! This is a great parent/child class!
Optional uniform and certification from White to Black Belt are available. Instructor: National Treasure Kung Fu, Inc., Al Lam – Director
Instructor Bio: National Treasure Kung Fu, Inc., is directed by Si-Fu Al Lam - International Master, Temple-trained in China. Si-Fu Al Lam, a Hong Kong champion, has over 35 years of teaching experience with youths & adults. He was the instructor of the University of Minnesota Chinese Kung Fu Club for 13 years and was awarded “Instructor of the Year” by the U of M Recreational Sports Department.
Aprende el arte marcial de Jackie Chan, Jet Li y Kung Fu Panda con el Campeón de Hong Kong Al Lam (Maestro-Templo Internacional formado en China, Kung Fu sobrino de “Mr. Han” de la película “Enter The Dragon” de Bruce Lee). Sifu Al Lam y su familia tienen más de 40 años de experiencia docente con jóvenes y adultos. Fue instructor del Club de Kung Fu Chino de la Universidad de Minnesota durante 13 años y fue galardonado como “Instructor del año” por el Departamento de Deportes Recreativos de la U of M. El uniforme opcional y la certificación de cinturón blanco a negro están disponibles.Aprenda patadas, puñetazos, habilidades de defensa personal y desarrolle músculos, potencia, flexibilidad y agilidad. Mejora tu conciencia, autoestima y confianza. Únase a una clase DIVERTIDA, progresiva y de participación completa y aprenda ejercicios de desarrollo de habilidades que fortalecerán la mente y el cuerpo.Preguntas sobre el contenido de las clases: llamar al 952-898-3008Padres: ¡En lugar de esperar afuera, regístrese y participe con su hijo en clase!Instructor: National Treasure Kung Fu, Inc., Al Lam – Director
National Treasure Kung Fu, Inc.
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