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  • SSP ACT Prep Self Paced Online Course (Grades: 10-12)

    Online ACT Preparatory Course This course is an excellent alternative for any student unable to attend in-school classes or for a student preferring to prepare for the ACT exam on their own, and study at their desired pace. You may repeat the course at no charge until you graduate from high school. The online course will allow students to log-in for the course and proceed at their own pace. The course will be using Google Classroom to present the online course and it will be equivalent to the 12 hour classroom time. The course will use instructors' videos, voice-overs, illustrations, and slides that guide you through all of the testing areas of the ACT. You will also be able to communicate with the instructor when you have questions or concerns. **You will need a gmail account to access the google classroom. Once students are enrolled, they are sent an access code for their class via email, as well as directions on how to begin the simple process of starting their class. Students have the flexibility of working on classwork at their own pace around their own specific schedule. For more information, call Advantage Prep at 612-222-5108 or visit