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4 Results

  • Moreland Wizards of Chess/¡Los magos del ajedrez, Club de Ajedrez! (Grades: K-4)

    Wizards of Chess, Chess Club! Join us in learning this National Award Winning Program! Learning the game of chess promotes imagination, creativity, develops memory, teaches independence, inspires self-motivation, and develops a logical way of thinking. Students of all levels are welcome. Yes, even if your student does not know how to play, we will teach them! Each session is filled with different material, and all learning is done with encouragement and fun on an individual personal level! All in-class equipment is provided. Instructor: Veronica Harrison--owner of Wizard of Chess ¡Los magos del ajedrez, Club de Ajedrez! (Grados: K-4) ¡Únase a nosotros para aprender este programa ganador de premios nacionales! Aprender el juego de ajedrez promueve la imaginación, la creatividad, desarrolla la memoria, enseña la independencia, inspira la automotivación y desarrolla una forma lógica de pensar. Los estudiantes de todos los niveles son bienvenidos. Sí, incluso si su hijo(a) no sabe jugar, ¡se lo enseñaremos! ¡Cada sesión está llena de material diferente y todo el aprendizaje se realiza con estímulo y diversión a un nivel personal e individual! Se proporciona todo el equipo de la clase. Instructora: Verónica Harrison - propietaria de los magos del ajedrez- "Wizard of Chess"
  • Moreland: ASL 1: Beginner American Sign Language Class (Grades: K-4)

    ASL 1: Have fun learning American Sign Language! We will start with the alphabet, basic signs, animals, winter signs, and food. Sentence structures, introductions, and deaf history will be included. Taught by: Suzanne Downs--Parent of a daughter who is deaf and a retired Deaf/Hard of Hearing school teacher. She has taught ASL at the high school, middle school, and community education level. Her belief is that the more people who know sign language, the better! ASL 1: ¡Diviértete aprendiendo lenguaje de señas americano! Comenzaremos con el alfabeto, señas básicas, animales, señas de invierno y comida. Se incluirán estructuras de oraciones, presentaciones e historia de la sordera. Impartido por: Suzanne Downs, madre de una hija sorda y maestra jubilada de escuela para sordos o con problemas de audición. Ha enseñado ASL en la escuela secundaria, la escuela media y el nivel de educación comunitaria. Cree que cuantas más personas sepan lenguaje de señas, mejor.
  • Moreland: Where Spanish Comes Alive! (Grades: K-4)

    Prepare your child for a global world with an 8 week adventure in Spanish! 8 weeks: Winter Session: Topic--¡Vamos con los Animales! Let's Got with the Animals In this winter session, Dani and Beto join us for an exciting animal adventure with our ¡Vamos con los Animales! (Let's go with the Animals!) class, students will experience imaginary animal adventures with hands-on lessons "visiting" a pet store, a family farm, the zoo, the ocean, and even the rainforest! Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity for your child to practice Spanish in an interactive bilingual classroom! Put on your thinking caps because each week will be packed full of useful SPANISH! Get a language head start - enroll today! (Space is limited) What is Futura Language Professionals? Futura Language Professionals is a community-based language organization. We have been a leader and a pioneer in Spanish language programming since 2001. We are proud to say that thousands of children have been touched by foreign language instruction because of Futura programming. We partner with local schools in our communities to provide a convenient, onsite and long-term language program at an affordable price. Who instructs the Futura classes? Our teachers come from a wide range of backgrounds from former Spanish teachers with Masters Degrees in Education who are now stay at home moms, to native speakers who want to share their language and culture with us, to juniors and seniors majoring in Education or Spanish in college. All of our teachers have fluency or near fluency in the Spanish language and experience working with children. Additionally, most Futura instructors have lived or studied in Spanish speaking countries.
  • Moreland: ASL 2: American Sign Language Class (Grades: K-4)

    ASL 2: Continue building on your knowledge of American Sign Language with lessons that include spring and summer vocabulary, the use and importance of fingerspelling, and additional groups of themed vocabulary. Taught by: Suzanne Downs---Parent of a daughter who is deaf and a retired Deaf/Hard of Hearing school teacher. She has taught ASL at the high school, middle school, and community education level. Her belief is that the more people who know sign language, the better! ASL 2: Continúe desarrollando su conocimiento del lenguaje de señas americano con lecciones que incluyen vocabulario de primavera y verano, el uso y la importancia del deletreo manual y grupos adicionales de vocabulario temático. Impartido por: Suzanne Downs, madre de una hija sorda y maestra jubilada de escuela para sordos o con problemas de audición. Ha enseñado ASL en la escuela secundaria, la escuela media y el nivel de educación comunitaria. ¡Su creencia es que cuantas más personas sepan el lenguaje de señas, mejor!